RGB Values for DMC Floss
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DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #3777 Terra Cotta Very Dark
RGB | #863022 | |
Red | 134 | |
Green | 48 | |
Blue | 34 | |
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Similar Color
RGB #863022
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Garnet Very Dark | 902 | 897 | 45252 | 3083 | 423 | #822637 | |
Red Copper Dark | 918 | 341 | 45264 | 3340 | 844 | #82340A | |
Mahogany Dark | 400 | 351 | 45304 | 5349 | 850 | #8F430F | |
Terra Cotta Dark | 355 | 1014 | 45078 | 5936 | 245 | #984436 | |
Terra Cotta Very Dark | 3777 | 1015 | 45390 | 2339 | 245 | #863022 | |
Brown Medium | 433 | 358 | 45094 | 5471 | 880 | #7A451F |
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DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names are for DMC floss and may not be identical.