RGB Values for DMC Floss
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DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #3011 Khaki Green Dark
RGB | #898A58 | |
Red | 137 | |
Green | 138 | |
Blue | 88 | |
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RGB #898A58
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Green Gray Medium | 3052 | 844 | 45332 | 6010 | 804 | #889268 | |
Pine Green | 3364 | 260 | 45350 | 6266 | 804 | #83975F | |
Olive Green Medium | 733 | 280 | 45177 | 6845 | 826 | #BCB34C | |
Olive Green | 732 | 281 | 45176 | 5889 | 820 | #948C36 | |
Olive Green Dark | 731 | 924 | 45175 | 6844 | 820 | #938B37 | |
Olive Green Very Dark | 730 | 845 | 45174 | 6845 | 820 | #827B30 | |
Khaki Green Medium | 3012 | 855 | 45317 | 6844 | 820 | #A6A75D | |
Khaki Green Dark | 3011 | 856 | 45316 | 6845 | 820 | #898A58 | |
Golden Olive Medium | 831 | 277 | 45232 | 6845 | 836 | #AA8F56 | |
Beige Gray Very Dark | 640 | 393 | 45148 | 5393 | 936 | #857B61 |
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DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names are for DMC floss and may not be identical.