RGB Values for DMC Floss
Find RGB values from DMC assigned floss color numbers using this conversion tools.
DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #24 White Lavender
RGB | #E0D7EE | |
Red | 224 | |
Green | 215 | |
Blue | 238 | |
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Similar Color
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Lavender Light | 211 | 342 | 45043 | 4303 | 438 | #E3CBE3 | |
Violet Very Light | 153 | 342 | 45468 | 4303 | 438 | #E6CCD9 | |
Blue Violet Very Light | 3747 | 120 | 45374 | 7004 | 533 | #D3D7ED | |
Antique Blue Ultra Very Light | 3753 | 1031 | 45377 | 7031 | 639 | #DBE2E9 | |
White Tin | 01 | 388 | 45322 | 8397 | 800 | #E3E3E6 | |
Apple Blossom | 23 | 342 | 45043 | 4303 | 438 | #EDE2ED | |
White Lavender | 24 | 342 | 45468 | 4303 | 438 | #E0D7EE | |
Lavender Ultra Light | 25 | 342 | 45468 | 4303 | 438 | #DAD2E9 | |
Lavender Pale | 26 | 342 | 45468 | 4303 | 438 | #D7CAE6 | |
White Violet | 27 | 342 | 45468 | 4303 | 438 | #F0EEF9 |
Or you can click on the shade below.
DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names are for DMC floss and may not be identical.