RGB Values for DMC Floss
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DMC Stranded Cotton Thread #167 Yellow Beige Very Dark
RGB | #A77C49 | |
Red | 167 | |
Green | 124 | |
Blue | 73 | |
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RGB #A77C49
Click the Floss Name to find out the the most similar floss.Color | Name | DMC | Anchor | Sullivans | J&P Coats | Maxi Mouline | RGB |
Yellow Beige Very Dark | 167 | 1049 | 45482 | 5374 | 939 | #A77C49 | |
Hazelnut Brown Dark | 420 | 374 | 45092 | 5374 | 836 | #A07042 | |
Hazelnut Brown Very Dark | 869 | 944 | 45242 | 5374 | 942 | #835E39 | |
Mahogany Medium | 301 | 1049 | 45049 | 5000 | 878 | #B35F2B | |
Golden Brown | 3826 | 1049 | 45423 | 5349 | 164 | #AD7239 | |
Desert Sand Dark | 3773 | 1008 | 45387 | 2337 | 876 | #B67552 | |
Desert Sand Very Dark | 3772 | 1007 | 45386 | 5579 | 894 | #A06C50 | |
Mocha Beige Dark | 3862 | 358 | 45460 | 5360 | 939 | #8A6E4E | |
Beige Brown Medium | 840 | 1084 | 45238 | 5379 | 939 | #9A7C5C |
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DMC Palette
Use this chart only as a guide.
Color samples and names are for DMC floss and may not be identical.